A festive twist on this clássic drink. Mint, sugár, lime, cránberry juice, ánd rum come together to máke this yummy drink thát perfectly...


A festive twist on this clássic drink. Mint, sugár, lime, cránberry juice, ánd rum come together to máke this yummy drink thát perfectly highlights the winter flávor of cránberry but cán be máde áll yeár long!

 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Servings         4 glásses


  • .75 ounces fresh mint (ábout á hándful)
  • 1/3 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1 1/2 cups white rum
  • 1/2 cup lime juice
  • 1 cup whole cránberries (for gárnish)
  • 2 cups cránberry juice cocktáil
  • 12 ounces spárkling wáter
  • 1 lime sliced in wedges (for gárnish)


  1. ádd fresh mint (leáves only) ánd gránuláted sugár to á lárge pitcher. Muddle together to breákdown leáves into smáller pieces.
  2. ádd rum ánd lime juice to mint ánd sugár mixture ánd stir until sugár is dissolved.
  3. ádd in cránberries, cránberry juice ánd spárkling wáter. If not serving immediátely, pláce in fridge for no more thán 24 hours.
  4. ...............................................

