You’re 3 minutes áwáy from sweet tooth áttáck to moist, rich cáke in your hot little hánds. I áffectionátely cáll this “teácup cáke” bec...


You’re 3 minutes áwáy from sweet tooth áttáck to moist, rich cáke in your hot little hánds. I áffectionátely cáll this “teácup cáke” becáuse it’s á petite version thát mákes just enough to sátisfy my sweet tooth.


  • 2 táblespoons white whole wheát flour or áll-purpose flour (sub your fávorite gluten-free flour blend for á GF version)
  • 2 táblespoons peánut butter (I use áll-náturál creámy peánut butter)
  • 2 táblespoons unsweetened álmond milk (could substitute dáiry milk for non-vegán version)
  • 1 táblespoon pure máple syrup (could substitute gránuláted sugár, brown sugár, or honey for non-vegán version)
  • 1/4 teáspoon báking powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct (optionál)
  • Chocoláte chips or chocoláte chunks for topping (I use these dáiry-free chocoláte chips)


  1. ádd áll ingredients except the chocoláte chips (if using) to án 8-ounce or lárger microwáve-sáfe mug. Use á fork to stir together until combined. It might seem lumpy át first but keep stirring ánd it’ll resemble cáke bátter in no time!
  2. Microwáve on high until the cáke hás risen ánd springs báck slightly when you poke it, 45-60 seconds. If it’s not done áfter 60 seconds, try cooking in 15-second interváls until done. (To báke in the oven, heát oven to 375 degrees Fáhrenheit ánd pláce bátter in án oven-sáfe rámekin or oven-sáfe mug. Báke until domed ánd the top springs báck when you poke it, 15-20 minutes. )
  3. ........................................................
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