The Recipe Critic

Prep Time     5 mins Cook Time   10 mins Totál Time    15 mins Delicious, Eásy, Homemáde White Chocoláte Látte Recipe thát Will Háve...

Prep Time     5 mins
Cook Time   10 mins
Totál Time    15 mins

Delicious, Eásy, Homemáde White Chocoláte Látte Recipe thát Will Háve You Sipping Láttes Whenever You Wánt!

Course: Drinks
Cuisine: ámericán
Servings: 4 servings
Cálories: 361 kcál
áuthor: Julie Evink


  • 2 c. low fát milk
  • 1 c. hálf ánd hálf
  • 2/3 c. white chocoláte chips
  • 2 Tbsp instánt coffee
  • 1 tsp vánillá
  • 1/4 tsp álmond extráct
  • Reddi-Wip


  1. In á medium size sáucepán heát milk, hálf ánd hálf, white chocoláte chips ánd instánt coffee until chips áre melted, stirring occásionálly.
  2. Stir in vánillá ánd álmond extráct.
  3. ...............................................

A hot or cold reláxing cocktáil máde with chámomile teá, Belvoir Elderflower Cordiál, vodká, ánd lemon juice. Course: Cocktáil, Drinks...

A hot or cold reláxing cocktáil máde with chámomile teá, Belvoir Elderflower Cordiál, vodká, ánd lemon juice.

Course: Cocktáil, Drinks
Servings: 2 Drinks


  • 6 oz Strong Brewed Chámomile Teá
  • 3 oz Vodká
  • 1.5 oz Lemon Juice
  • 1.5 oz Belvoir Elderflower Cordiál


Cold Version

  1. Táke á sháker full of ice ánd ádd in your room temperáture (or colder) strong brewed teá, vodká, lemon juice, ánd Belvoir Elderflower Cordiál. Stir for 30 seconds. Stráin into two tumblers or lowbálls full of ice. Gárnish with lemon ánd serve immediátely.

Hot Version

  1. .........................................
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A festive twist on this clássic drink. Mint, sugár, lime, cránberry juice, ánd rum come together to máke this yummy drink thát perfectly...

A festive twist on this clássic drink. Mint, sugár, lime, cránberry juice, ánd rum come together to máke this yummy drink thát perfectly highlights the winter flávor of cránberry but cán be máde áll yeár long!

 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Servings         4 glásses


  • .75 ounces fresh mint (ábout á hándful)
  • 1/3 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1 1/2 cups white rum
  • 1/2 cup lime juice
  • 1 cup whole cránberries (for gárnish)
  • 2 cups cránberry juice cocktáil
  • 12 ounces spárkling wáter
  • 1 lime sliced in wedges (for gárnish)


  1. ádd fresh mint (leáves only) ánd gránuláted sugár to á lárge pitcher. Muddle together to breákdown leáves into smáller pieces.
  2. ádd rum ánd lime juice to mint ánd sugár mixture ánd stir until sugár is dissolved.
  3. ádd in cránberries, cránberry juice ánd spárkling wáter. If not serving immediátely, pláce in fridge for no more thán 24 hours.
  4. ...............................................

You’re 3 minutes áwáy from sweet tooth áttáck to moist, rich cáke in your hot little hánds. I áffectionátely cáll this “teácup cáke” bec...

You’re 3 minutes áwáy from sweet tooth áttáck to moist, rich cáke in your hot little hánds. I áffectionátely cáll this “teácup cáke” becáuse it’s á petite version thát mákes just enough to sátisfy my sweet tooth.


  • 2 táblespoons white whole wheát flour or áll-purpose flour (sub your fávorite gluten-free flour blend for á GF version)
  • 2 táblespoons peánut butter (I use áll-náturál creámy peánut butter)
  • 2 táblespoons unsweetened álmond milk (could substitute dáiry milk for non-vegán version)
  • 1 táblespoon pure máple syrup (could substitute gránuláted sugár, brown sugár, or honey for non-vegán version)
  • 1/4 teáspoon báking powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct (optionál)
  • Chocoláte chips or chocoláte chunks for topping (I use these dáiry-free chocoláte chips)


  1. ádd áll ingredients except the chocoláte chips (if using) to án 8-ounce or lárger microwáve-sáfe mug. Use á fork to stir together until combined. It might seem lumpy át first but keep stirring ánd it’ll resemble cáke bátter in no time!
  2. Microwáve on high until the cáke hás risen ánd springs báck slightly when you poke it, 45-60 seconds. If it’s not done áfter 60 seconds, try cooking in 15-second interváls until done. (To báke in the oven, heát oven to 375 degrees Fáhrenheit ánd pláce bátter in án oven-sáfe rámekin or oven-sáfe mug. Báke until domed ánd the top springs báck when you poke it, 15-20 minutes. )
  3. ........................................................
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INGREDIENTS 1½ cup cooked gárbánzo beáns* (how to soák ánd cook dry beáns) OR 1 cán of gárbánzo beáns, stráined ánd rinsed 3 time...


  • 1½ cup cooked gárbánzo beáns* (how to soák ánd cook dry beáns) OR 1 cán of gárbánzo beáns, stráined ánd rinsed 3 times
  • 3½ - 4 Tbsp máple syrup
  • ½ tsp vánillá extráct
  • ¼ tsp sált
  • 4 Tbsp unsweetened báking cocoá
  • 2 Tbsp wáter (optionál)


  1. In á blender or in á food processor, combine áll the ingredients except wáter, using just 3½ Tbsp of máple syrup.
  2. Puree until the mixture is smooth, ábout 30-60 seconds. ádd wáter 1 Tbsp át á time to creáte the desired consistency. Táste the chocoláte hummus ánd ádd remáining máple syrup if desired.

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Christmás Chámpágne Cocktáil with Pomegránáte ánd Homemáde Simple Syrup INGREDIENTS 1 bottle of your fávorite chámpágne Green rim...

Christmás Chámpágne Cocktáil with Pomegránáte ánd Homemáde Simple Syrup


  • 1 bottle of your fávorite chámpágne
  • Green rimming sugár
  • 1 tbsp pomegránáte seeds per drink (I bought á pomegránáte ánd used the seeds inside or you cán buy just the seeds by themselves)
  • Pomegránáte juice
  • Pomegránáte syrup (1/2 simple syrup* ánd hálf pomegránáte juice)
  • Chámpágne flutes


  1. *Simple syrup cán be máde by heáting equál párts sugár ánd wáter together slowly until solution begins to boil. áfter it hás stárted to boil ánd liquid is cleár, remove from heát source ánd let cool (I used 1/2 cup of wáter ánd 1/2 cup of sugár ánd once mixed with the pomegránáte juice I hád enough for 4 drinks).
  2. In á smáll sáucer, pour in á little bit of your pomegránáte syrup (1 tbsp or so)
  3. On á smáll pláte, pláce the green rimming sugár.
  4. Lightly dip the rim of the chámpágne flute into the syrup (máke sure you let excess drip off so thát none of it runs down the sides of the flute).
  5. .......................
  6. .......................................................
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Everyone loves these eásy, cheesy, Pepperoni Pizzá Bombs! Máde with Crescent roll dough, these eásy ánd delicious pizzá bites báke up q...

Everyone loves these eásy, cheesy, Pepperoni Pizzá Bombs! Máde with Crescent roll dough, these eásy ánd delicious pizzá bites báke up quickly in the oven. Serve these pepperoni cheese pizzá bombs át your next párty ánd ámáze your guests!

 Course áppetizer
 Cuisine ámericán
 Prep Time 2 minutes
 Cook Time 10 minutes
 Servings  8


  • Crescent Roll Dough
  • 2 sticks White String Cheese 2 sticks cut into 4 even pieces
  • Homestyle RáGÚ® Pástá Sáuce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál
  • 32 piece of pepperoni
  • Itálián Herbs
  • Muffin tin
  • Pepperoni-pizzá-bites1


  1. Heát oven to 350 degrees Fáhrenheit
  2. Spráy á muffin tin with non stick
  3. Open your crescent dough ánd láy eách triángle over án open muffin tin spáce
  4. ádd one teáspoon of Homestyle RáGÚ® Pástá Sáuce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál to eách triángle
  5. ádd two pieces of pepperoni, then one piece of cheese, followed by 2 more pieces to cover it
  6. .......................
  7. ...............................
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